(not in order of importance) All our supporters are vital to this project
In our journey to build this virtual museum, we have also met some generous people who have been instrumental in developing the technologies that led to many types of card technologies. Some of them are brilliant inventors and engineers.
The phonecard museum has had the support of many from card industries, and manufacturers, and even government departments involved with card technology. We want to show here that we are ever grateful for their contribution to the website.
Some of these wonderful people are no longer with us (RIP). We have acquired and absorbed the card collections of many.
Let us introduce some of these to you. Over time we hope you can meet in these pages, all those who have contributed in some significant way to the card technologies and this museum collection.

Jean-Pierre Camelot

We met Jean-Pierre in Paris some years ago, after contact through the internet.
Jean-Pierre was a director of the Credit Agricole Bank for many years, and was appointed to oversee the IPSO banking and Public Telephone project, held in 3 small cities in France (Blois, Caen, and Lyon) He has advised his government in financial matters at times, and currently enjoys the role of Mayor in his local town.
The IPSO trials were the first in the world to use CHIPCARD technology for EFTPOS, and public telephone call payment. This integrated system was the flagship for the rest of the world, and decades before many other countries followed suit.
We have been pleased to call Jean-Pierre our friend and benefactor, as he has been very helpful with our understanding of the developments he was in charge of. Please see the IPSO cards:.. IPSO trial cards

And the history article to read:..IPSO trial article

Bernard Justamente 

We met Bernard Justamente in Paris a few years ago, and were impressed with his resume in card project development in France.
Bernard has been involved in many of the early Chip card projects in France in the 1980's. He has later been involved with Oberthur when they have taken over Chip card production from Honeywell Bull in the late 1980's.
Bernard has a fondness toward his time in the Chip card development, and we hope to continue with his support as we develop the Chip card sections of the Museum.
Bernard has virtually donated his collection (what he kept aside) from his many years in the industry.
Bernard, we hope you will take pleasure in viewing many of the cards you will in fact remember seeing at one time or another.

James Goodfellow

We met Mr. Goodfellow via internet recently while researching the device which changed the modern banking landscape. Who has not been thankful to be able to approach a bank after it has closed, and been grateful to be able to withdraw cash for whatever reason. Maybe we take it for granted now?
Well, Thanks James !
Mr. James Goodfellow was born in Paisley, Scotland, in 1937. While still a teenager, he became an apprentice for Renfrew Electrical & Radio Engineers. By his mid 20’s he was working as a development engineer in Glasgow at the Smiths Electronics division, Kelvin Hughes. In 1965, Mr Goodfellow was approached by his General Manager to devise a machine and the physical process, in order to access cash from an automated cash dispensing machine.
Mr. Goodfellow designed the first system that allowed customers to use an encrypted card, together with a manually entered PIN number, to dispense a fixed amount of cash.
We appreciate the assistance Mr. Goodfellow has given us. Thanks.
And the history article to read:
Chubb ATM article .. Chubb ATM collection

Philippe Gerinte 

Philippe, who is now 70 years old, has worked for much of his life as a senior consultant, and many projects he was involved in revolved around Smart cards. Philippe has around 15 years experience n Smart card development, and has worked with SIS (Sandia Imaging System), Bull CP8, Gilles Leroux, Datacard, and CPS Technologies. He has travelled to over 40 countries on various projects, including personalization, and manufacture of Smart cards.
Philippe holds a patent in the Smartcard arena (BULL N°0014441 FR 3921/ BC - 2000)

He may have even been involved in my Personal driving license, here in Australia!

Philippe really loves Rugby, and played for 10 years when he was a little younger. He has voluntarily helped training the younger generation rugby players while working in Switzerland.
He also loves the Rolling Stones. Wow, what a cool guy!
he has 2 children and 5 Grandchildren.

Philippe, thanks for supporting the museum project, as you really went out of your way to help us,
thanks. Smartcardmusem.