Here at Phonecardmuseum, we are attempting to assemble the most comprehensive collection of technologies in CARD format so as to present an internet library for collectors, researchers, and even just the plain curious.

The first thing you may notice is that the cards are listed with an R value. This should be understood to be a RARITY VALUE factor on a scale from 1-100. This means that a card shown for 1R should be understood that it is a COMMON to moderately difficult card, but may be offered for sale by dealers regularly. A card shown as 2R to 5R might be quite scarce. A card that is over R10 may be rare, but may still come up for sale in the market occasionally. A card from R10 to R40 is rare to extremely rare, and anything over R40 may only be known to exist is less than 5 examples, or even unique, or just extremely sought after?
These relative rarity values are here to help the collector make an informed decision before buying a card listed on auction or other card dealer websites.
If this website has helped you understand a good bargain price when you see it, then we have accomplished part of our goal, which is to educate collectors.
We are able to swap and sell many rare cards duplicated in the collection, but with the intention of expanding our reference collection.
The earliest card types are Credit cards, often going back over 100 years. In the 60's we begin to see cards married with magnetic stripe technology, and again, the credit card was the driving force, especially when EFTPOS technology was incorporated. Telecom phone lines were crucial to this development.
Generally speaking though, it has been the Phonecard, as a marketable product of telephone call currency, that has driven many of the new technologies, where prepaid units are somehow incorporated into a card. (usually of credit card size) Many advances in Smart card technology have been adapted for Banking, and Mobile telephone development, and we are actively researching these also.
We hope to show you this world, not only as a collectible item, but we hope to imbue you with our fascination at the technological marvels incorporated into this small flat package.
We hope you enjoy the website.
Have a browse.

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